

The Cheyenne Police Department will allow citizens to accompany officers and to observe law enforcement activities in order to better understand the problems of policing.  Citizens will be limited to ride-along one shift per calendar year.

Prior to participating in the Cheyenne Police Ride-Along program, all participants must complete and sign the Cheyenne Police Department Ride-Along Request Form. The rider will then be notified by phone of his/her acceptance to participate in the ride-along program.

Ride-Along Program Rules:
  • Riders are required to remain with the police vehicle, or other location as directed by an o­fficer, when officers are making traffic stops or answering calls for service.
  • Riders will obey instructions given by the o­fficer they are riding with, and/or other police o­fficers on scene.
  • Riders will not chase, stop, detain or question anyone regarding a police incident
  • Riders will not represent themselves as a police offi­cer or wear or display any badge, shield, patch or any other item that would reasonably present the rider as a police o­fficer nor will a rider wear any clothing that is considered offensive, inappropriate, disrespectful or that is potentially gang related
  • In certain situations, an offi­cer has the discretion to temporarily leave their rider at a safe location and arrange for alternate transportation or end the ride-along.
  • No weapons of any kind are allowed by the rider during the ride-along.
  • Riders participating in the ride-along program are expected to maintain a proper level of hygiene
  • Ride-alongs are riding with the sanction of the Cheyenne Police Department and all information received while performing offi­cial duties is strictly confidential, and should not be discussed outside of the Cheyenne Police Department.
  • Riders should be advised that law enforcement audio and video recording devices may be active during the ride-along
  • All photography/audio/video recording is prohibited during the ride-along without consent from the Chief of Police.
  • Cell phone usage, to include texting and social media use, is prohibited during the ride-along
  • Violations of any of these rules may be grounds to terminate the ride-along and/or future ride-alongs.